I received an MA in Philosophy and an MSc in Cognitive Science from Utrecht University (The Netherlands) and a doctorate in Philosophy from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). As recipient of the Dutch NWO VENI grant Philosophy as Science: The Project of the School of Brentano I have worked on the reconstruction and reassessment of the ideal of philosophy as science, as unifying project of the School of Brentano in the context of 19th century philosophy. I have taught philosophy at many Dutch universities (Groningen, Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht, Nijmegen) and I have been guest researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of the Sciences (Prague, Czechia) and at the Brentano Archiv in Graz; Visiting Fellow in Philosophy at Harvard University. I have also been a member of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy and committee member of the chamber for History of Philosophy. I have a strong expertise in philosophy of mind and consciousness and in history and philosophy of the cognitive sciences, and I am actively involved in scholarly and public talks on the mechanization of consciousness, outsourcing the mind to machines, the metaphysics of the mind.
My current research interests include the 19th century origin of cognitive psychology and universal computation.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ierna/