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Enhancing the future of brain regeneration

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Workshop in Utrecht

On June 17, 2023 on the premises of the Auditorium van Radiotherapie of the University Medical Center Utrecht, on the behalf of the HERMES project, DEN Institute organized a workshop to engage stakeholders in the reflection about barriers and obstacles but also wishes ...

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  • Address

    Utrecht, NL

  • Days

    17th June 2023

ICECS 2022

MeLab (Microelectronics Lab) team of researchers from our consortium partner University of Glasgow participated in the 29th edition of this IEEE Circuits and Systems Society conference in Glasgow, 24-26 Oct 2022.

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  • Address

    Glasgow, UK

  • Days

    24 -26 October 2022

Understanding the brain to uncover the mind

HERMES consortium members celebrated the World Mental Health Day with the young students of Institut Saint-Dominique in Rome.

  • Category

    Dissemination event

  • Address

    Institut Saint-Dominique, Rome, Italy

  • Days

    10th October 2022

72nd SIF National Congress - The Italian Society of Physiology

A poster presentation based on HERMES investigation "In vivo evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of alginate during brain repair in the temporal lobe epileptic rat" was held at the 72nd SIF National Congress in Bari (IT) 14-16 September 2022.

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  • Address

    Bari, Italy

  • Days

    15th September 2022

TAU- FENS Forum 2022

Prof. Jarno M. Tanskanen from our consortium member Tampere University (TAU) presented a pro-ject poster titled “Signal-based Adaptive Thresholding for Neuronal Action Potential Spike Detec-tion” at FENS Forum 2022, which took place as a fully in-presence event in Paris 9-13 July.

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  • Address

    Paris, France

  • Days

    13th July 2022

UNIVR- FENS Forum 2022

A project poster carried out by a group of the researchers from four members of HERMES interna-tional consortium under the title "Seizure prediction in MEA signals with deep learning” was presented by Raluca Georgiana G. Zamfir from the University of Verona at FENS Forum 2022, in Paris

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  • Address

    Paris, France

  • Days

    12th July 2022

IBSAL- FENS Forum 2022

HERMES was part of FENS Forum 2022! Our talented researcher Ángel Canal Alonso from Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca - IBSAL presented "Seizure prediction in MEA signals with deep learning” for the poster section: Machine Learning for Neuroscience & Psy-chiatry. The Forum represents a unique opportunity for neuroscientists from around the world to gather together and enjoy excellent science in one of Europe’s most vibrant cities

  • Category


  • Address

    Paris, France

  • Days

    10th July 2022

UNIMORE - FENS Forum 2022

On the 1st day of work at FENS Forum 2022, which was held in Paris 9-13 July, our consortium member Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Dept. of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences - presented "In vivo evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of alginate in the temporal lobe epileptic rat brain”. As much as digital meetings have their purpose, it was so nice meeting colleagues and new friends face-to-face again!

  • Category


  • Address

    Paris, France

  • Days

    10th July 2022

Covariance and entropy analysis to better depict astrocyte effects in neuron-astrocyte networks cul-tured on MEAs

Our consortium member Tampere University (TAU) presented a project poster under the title “Co-variance and entropy analysis to better depict astrocyte effects in neuron-astrocyte networks cul-tured on MEAs” at the 12th International Conference on Microelectrode Arrays for Life Sciences (MEA Meeting 2022) that took place in Tübingen, Germany, 6-8 July 2022.”

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  • Address

    Tübingen, Germany

  • Days

    7th July 2022

James Watt Nanofabrication Centre Mini-Conference

We are proud to report PhD student John Wesley Ephraim from the Enhanced Regenerative Medicine research line at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia attended the EMBO workshop “Neural Stem cells: from basic understanding to translational applications" that took place in Kyllini, Greece, 5 - 9 June 2022. He presented a poster based on HERMES investigation “Tuning the fate of hippocampal neural stem cells in vitro by modulating their microenvironment

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  • Address

    Kyllini, Greece

  • Days

    5 - 9 June 2022

“Cosa abbiamo nella testa?” (What’s inside my head?)

Cosa abbiamo nella testa? ” (“What’s inside my head”?) is an educational workshop that took place on Tue, May 31st in Genoa with the young students of the Primary School "Natale Gallino" to discover the brain through an interactive lesson and playful activities. The event was organized in collaboration with HERMES project coordinator Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Lab researcher Gemma Palazzolo, and Eurokleis Srl that is the consortium partner responsible for communication and dissemination. In May - Mental Health Awareness Month, the educational workshop was effective in raising awareness of the importance of brain health for all our vital functions!

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  • Address

    Primary School "Natale Gallino" (Genoa)

  • Days

    Tuesday, May 31st 2022

A Hybrid Memristor/CMOS SNN for
Implementing One-Shot Winner-Takes-All Training

Our consortium member CSIC presented “A Hybrid Memristor/CMOS SNN for Implementing One-Shot Winner-Takes-All Training” at ISCAS 2022 in Austin, Texas, during the session named “Recent Progress in Theory & Applications of Memristive Technologies Toward a New Era in Electronic IV” the was hold in presence.

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  • Address

    Austin, Texas (USA)

  • Days

    May, 30th 2022

James Watt Nanofabrication Centre Mini-Conference

We are proud to report Eve McGlynn, María Cerezo Sánchez and Finlay Walton from our consortium partner University of Glasgow - Microelectronics Lab (meLAB), attended the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre Mini-Conference on May 17th, 2022 to present the HERMES project to researchers in nano fabrication, with a 3-minute thesis talk and poster. The James Watt Nanofabrication Centre is the UK's leading Nanofabrication cleanroom based at the University of Glasgow.

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  • Address

    University Of Glasgow, James Watt Nanofabrication Centre James Watt Building, Glasgow, United Kingdom

  • Days

    May, 17th 2022

Bridging materials to neuromorphic systems and applications

Our consortium partner CSIC, in the person of their PI Prof. Bernabé Linares-Barranco, joined a brilliant workgroup day under the title of “Bridging materials to neuromorphic systems and applications” on March 28th 2022 for the Neuro-Inspired Computing Elements (NICE) Conference. Four workgroups of Science, Industry, Ethics, and Bridge presented and discussed their own perspective on how the neuromorphic field can close the gap between materials and devices to systems and applications. Prof. Bernabé Linares-Barraco spoke about HERMES in relation to the FET call framework during the Science & Technology session.

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  • Days

    Monday, March 28th 2022

The Future of Brain Health.
Decoding the brain through research
HERMES for the Brain Awareness Week 2022

HERMES project participated to the Brain Awareness Week 2022 by holding an interactive workshop “The Future of Brain Health. Decoding the brain through research” with students of the Institut International Saint-Dominique in Rome. The event was organized in collaboration between consortium partner Eurokleis srl , project coordinator the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Dana Foundation, promoting the importance of the knowledge of this fascinating and partly unknown organ, the brain, and how science impacts on searching for new cures.

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  • Address

    Institut International Saint-Dominique, Via Igino Lega, n°5 (Roma)

  • Days

    Wednesday, March 16th 2022

Science is Ready

"Science is ready" is a monthly appointment promoted by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia for having lunch by listening to stories of science and technology concerning IIT research projects funded by the European Commission. We are glad to report HERMES project coordinator Gabriella Panuccio joined the first talk under the title "Neuroscience of the future".

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  • Address


  • Days

    Thursday, February 17th 2022

Emerging Technologies 2021

We are glad to report our consortium member University of Glasgow - Microelectronics Lab (meLAB) Research Team representative Ms Eve McGlynn - joined the "Emerging technologies 2021" virtual meeting as guest speaker. The meeting was promoted by the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Emerging Technologies Focus Group.

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  • Days

    Tuesday, November 30th 2021

“In vivo epilepsy model and grafting: a step towards enhanced regenerative medicine” at Symposium in memory of Prof. Jacopo Magistretti, University of Pavia (IT)

Our consortium partner CRID – UNIMORE Centro di Ricerca in the person of its PI Dr. Giulia CURIA presented “In vivo epilepsy model and grafting: a step towards enhanced regenerative medicine” at the Symposium in memory of Prof. Jacopo Magistretti, full professor of Physiology at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology L. Spallanzani of the University of Pavia.

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  • Address


  • Days

    Monday, November 22nd, 2021

The 6th world congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS2021)

Our project coordinator Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Laboratory of Enhanced Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering Unit’s researchers Gemma Palazzolo and Natalia Gostynska presented two posters based on HERMES investigation at the 6th world congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS2021).

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  • Days

    November 17-18, 2021

NEUROSCIENCE 2021 - Università degli Studi di Verona Presentation

A presentation under the title "Development of robust and reproducible murine brain organoids endowed with networks of functional neurons and specific brain-region signature" by Dr. Francesca Ciarpella as representative of our consortium member Università degli Studi di Verona was held at the 50th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience virtual edition November 8-11, 2021.

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  • Address


  • Days

    November 8-11, 2021

NEUROSCIENCE 2021 - 50th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience

We are glad to report our consortium member The Institute for Biomedical Reserch (IBSAL) participated in the 19th Annual Meeting of The Spanish Society of  #Neuroscience  that was held in Lleida (ES) on 3-5 November 2021.

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  • Days

    November 3-5, 2021

"Le vie del cervello sono infinite/The (path)ways of the Brain are Infinite" at Genoa Science Festival 2021

A brilliant conference about mapping the brain and its functions "Le vie del cervello sono infinite/The (path)ways of the Brain are Infinite" was held 1st November 6pm at Genoa Science Festival, in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and a group of HERMES  researchers.

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  • Address


  • Days

    Monday, November 1st 2021

8th ACM International Conference on:
Nanoscale Computing and Communication Virtual Conference.

Our consortium partner  Tampere University - Computational Biophysics and Imaging Group (CBIG) - in the person of its PI  Jari Hyttinen organized a Special Session under the title "Astrocytes in modulation of subcellular and cellular molecular neuronal communication" at the 8th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication Virtual Conference, September 7-9, 2021.

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  • Address


  • Days

    Wed, 8th Sept 2021

71st SIF National Congress- The Italian Society of Physiology

Our consortium partner UNIMORE Centro di Ricerca - Interdepartmental Center for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), in the person of its team PI Giulia Curia, Elisa Ren and Stefania Bartoletti presented two posters acknowledging HERMES project’s investigation at the 71st National Congress of The Italian Society of Physiology - 7, 8 and 9 September 2021.

71st SIF National Congress

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  • Address


  • Days

    Thu, 9th Sept 2021

University of Glasgow at:

ISCAS 2021 - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Our consortium's partner University of Glasgow - Microelectronics Lab (meLAB), School of Engineering – presented "Serpentine-Shaped Metamaterial Energy Harvester for Wearable and Implantable Medical Systems" at ISCAS 2021 virtual conference (Korea, 22-28 May), Special Session: New Approaches for Interfacing Electronic & Biological Systems Session Systems II.

ISCAS 2021

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  • Address


  • Days

    26 May 2021

Aarhus University at:

ISCAS 2021 - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Our consortium partner Aarhus University - Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering – participated in ISCAS 2021 virtual conference (Korea, 22-28 May), session title: Neuromorphic Systems II. On May 25th they presented "Flexible Energy Efficient Implementation of Adaptive Spiking Encoder for Neuromorphic Processors" a paper by Milad Zamani, Margherita Ronchini, Hooman Farkhani, Farshad Moradi and Hai Au Huynh.

ISCAS 2021

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  • Address


  • Days

    25 May 2021

2021 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference

Our consortium partner Aarhus University - Dept. of Engineering – coordinated by PI prof Farshad Moradi, presented "Input Impedance Multi-Channel Neural Recording Amplifier with 0.77 µVrms Input-Referred Noise for Deep Brain Implants" at 2021 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) - Amplifier Techniques session.

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  • Address


  • Days

    26 April 2021


On March 30th a joint lab online meeting was organized by HERMES_FET and IN-FET project coordinators Michele Giugliano (SISSA) and Gabriella Panuccio (IIT): representatives from both consortia presented each task, shared their insights and debated their novel approaches to cure epilepsy and brain disorders.

“Almost all people with epilepsy will need to stay on medical therapy to minimize the probability of having a seizure. With HERMES and IN-FET we are trying to make a difference to heal epilepsy rather than treating it.”

HERMES-FET project coordinator Gabriella Panuccio

  • Category

    Lab Meeting

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  • Days

    30 March 2021

an interview to the HERMES coordinator  

An interview with Gabriella Panuccio, coordinator of the IIT research line “Enhanced Regenerative Medicine” was published in March 2021 for the new column Principal Investigator Profiles introducing the 79 PIs at IIT – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia..

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  • Days

    March 2021

40° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF)

Our consortium partner Università di Verona (UNIVR) – Dept. of Diagnostics and Public Health - participated in the 40° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF) digital week 9-13 March 2021: the PI Ilaria Decimo presented data relating to organoids developed for HERMES project “Setting up 3D in vitro brain model for drug discovery: molecular and functional characterization”

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  • Days

    9-13 March 2021

Unimore - Symbols Magazine 

The latest edition of "Symbols" magazine, published by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE, presents HERMES among some other ongoing EU funded research projects in the Dept. of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neuroscience Sciences - Physiology and Neuroscience. Ample space is dedicated to HERMES with an exhaustive introduction of the project concept and mission, a description of the consortium members, and two questions about the biohybrid systems for brain regeneration that is the core investigation in HERMES vision of novel approaches to cure the disabled brain.

Article also talks about UNIMORE ’s task within the consortium...

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  • Days

    July/August 2020

Dutch Research School of Philosophy yearly conference

On the 15th of November 2019 Carlo Ierna from Radboud Universiteit attended the Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW) yearly conference where he presented his work within HERMES project

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  • Address

    University of Amsterdam

  • Days

    15 - 16  November 2019

INTEL Neuromorphic Research Community

HERMES project partners from Aarhus University participated in the Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (Intel NRC) networking meeting presenting their tasks in the project.

  • Category

    Networking Event

  • Address

    Das Weitzer Hotel, Graz, Austria

  • Days

    14 - 18 October 2019

Future Tech Week 2019  

Future Tech Week is an initiative of the European Innovation Council Pathfinder.

It is a unique opportunity to present the Future and Emerging Technologies and the ideas behind.

  • Category

    Networking event

  • Address


  • Days

    23 - 29 September 2019

NeuroSpritz 2019

On Saturday August 31st another outreach and fundraising event was organized by the NEUROSpritz association, at Priamar Fortress in Savona, Italy. Our project coordinator Gabriella Panuccio was invited to talk about the HERMES project and biohybrid brain regeneration to the public.

NEUROSpritz is a non-profit science-oriented organization born with the goal of reaching out to the public about the Neurosciences. It organizes theme evenings where topics of braod interest and scientific news are presented in an engaging atmosphere by invited experts in the field. It also organizes fundraising events to support scientific research for neurodegenerative disorders.

You may find more from the event and more info on the initiative in the NEUROSpritz Facebook page and website

  • Category

    International Science Festival

  • Address

    Savona (Italy)

  • Days

    31 August 2019

Pint of Science

On May 20th 2019 our coordinator Gabriella Panuccio together with co-PI Gemma Palazzolo introduced the concepts of enhanced regenerative medicine in an informal outreach setting: Pint of Science (Italian chapter).

Pint of Science is a global Science festival where scientists of any discipline communicate and discuss about their latest research with a non-scientific audience in an informal setting, with the aim of making Science accessible to anyone. Events are held in pubs, where, for the price of a beer, everyone may attend the event and directly engage with the scientists presenting their work in simple words. 

  • Category

    International Science Festival

  • Address

    Birreria HB, via Gerolamo Boccardo 5 rosso, Genova (Italy)

  • Days

    20 May 2019

Neuroscience day at Aarhus University

At Neuroscience day, the project partners gave an overview of the HERMES project and presented the envisioned approach elaborated by Aarhus University for recording signal from the brain to be implemented in Hardware and integrated with the spiking neural network chip.

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  • Address

    NeuroCampus Aarhus, Aarhus University

  • Days

    13 May 2019


99 universities and research centers in 15 countries around the world held  the eleventh edition of UniStem Day  the journey in research starting from stem cells.
On Friday 15 March, scientists from the University of Verona set up the largest scientific dissemination event dedicated to high school students. The HERMES researchers team attended this important event.

  • Category

    Conference/Outreach event

  • Address

    University of Verona

  • Days

    15 March 2019

HERMES Kick Off Meeting

The Kick Off Meeting of HERMES project was held in Rome.  During the 3 days meeting each project partner has presented its contribution to the project. The consortium is presented by different profiles: biotechnologists, biologists, medical doctors, electrical and computer engineers, business consultants, ethics and policy experts, specialists in Artificial Intelligence etc.

  • Category

    Project Meeting

  • Address

    Eurokleis -  Via Romeo Romei, 27  00136 Roma  Italy

  • Days

    13 - 15 February 2019