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Genoa Science Festival 2021

"Le vie del cervello sono infinite/The (path)ways of the Brain are Infinite"

The brain is the most mysterious and fascinating organ in our body: it controls and coordinates voluntary functions, such as movement, and involuntary functions, such as the beating of the heart; hosting cognition and emotions, it is responsible for who we are. How can a small organ serve all these complex and coordinated functions? The secret is in its organization, similar to a large metropolis, where interconnected functional maps reside, organized according to our experience.
A brilliant conference about mapping the brain and its functions "Le vie del cervello sono infinite/The (path)ways of the Brain are Infinite" was held 1st November 6pm at Genoa Science Festival, in the historical Palazzo della Borsa, address via XX Settembre 44

The event was organized in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and a group of HERMES  consortium members' researchers:
Gabriella Panuccio (IIT, Italy)
Gemma Palazzolo (IIT, Italy)
Eve McGlynn (meLab at the University of Glasgow, UK)
Jari Hyttinen (Tampere University, FIN)
Ángel Canal Alonso (Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca - IBSAL, ES)

Starting from an historical point of view, up to consulting the (neuro) scientific frontiers of the near future, they presented the tools used to map the structure and function of the various parts of the brain (ranging from electrophysiology and imaging to artificial intelligence, super-resolution microscopy and the most advanced computational methods). Angel Canal Alonso talked about the implementation of AI in mapping the brain. Professor Jari Hyttinen presented “From brain maps to neuronal traffic and causation”. The Nanofabrication for Implantable Microprobes was introduced by Eve Mc Glynn. Gemma Palazzolo explained the measurement of electrical activity through the intracellular calcium concentration. Finally, HERMES project coordinator PI Gabriella Panuccio presented how these tools could be used to study the changes in the brain circuits in one of the most common neurological disorders: epilepsy.

At the end our researchers replied to the many attendee questions.

More info here