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Neuroscience day at Aarhus University

13 May 2019 - NeuroCampus Aarhus, Aarhus University

This year’s focus of the Neuroscience day was “Protein aggregation Brain diseases” under the headline: Brain Jam.  380 participants raging from Bachelor students to technicians and professors from the Faculty of Health, Faculty of Science and Technology and Aarhus University Hospital (40% Males vs 60 % Females of 36 nationalities) participated in Neuroscience day at Aarhus University. ICELab team attended the workshop with three works from STARDUST and HERMES projects.

In this workshop, the project partners gave an overview of the HERMES project and presented the envisioned approach elaborated by Aarhus University for recording signal from the brain to be implemented in Hardware and integrated with the spiking neural network chip.